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FRAME Advanced Access 2023: the call for application is open! 

FRAME Advanced Access 2023: the call for application is open! 

The call for applications for the 2023 FRAME Advance Access training session is open.

What is FRAME?

Since 2010, INA organises the annual training programme FRAME in partnership with FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives) and EBU Academy (European Broadcasting Union). FRAME is co-funded by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme of the European Union. The FRAME training programme consists in 4 training actions per year: two training sessions – FRAME Basics for beginner or less experienced professionals and FRAME Advanced for experienced and trained ones – a mentoring programme addressed to young professionals – FRAME Mentoring – and a workshop organised as part of the FIAT/IFTA World Conference – FRAME Expert. With a comprehensive approach, the FRAME training programme covers each steps and aspects of audiovisual archiving.

FRAME Advanced Access 2023

The FRAME Advanced training session is designed and organised by INA with the support of FIAT/IFTA and EBU Academy. The training programme focuses on the latest and innovative practices of the audiovisual heritage sector. Alternatively, the yearly training session deals with technical and technological aspects of the preservation and management of audiovisual archives (FRAME Advanced Tech), or with documentation and access topics (FRAME Advanced Access).

In 2023, the FRAME Advanced session will be the “Access” one, covering topics such as:

  • Documentation and description of audiovisual collections

  • Data/metadata models and management

  • AI for describing and giving access to audiovisual collections

  • Access strategies

  • Archives access and use legal frameworks

  • Access project design, management and ethics

  • Archives-based multimedia production, new formats and broadcast strategies

  • Archives academic access and uses

  • Archives educational uses and projects

Training courses will be designed and delivered, in English, by recognised European and international experts, who will share their best practices, experience and innovation.

The training session will alternate theoretical presentations and interactive formats: workshops, case studies, feedback experience, etc. In addition, it offers professional visits of INA and of a partner institution, and networking times.

Who can apply to FRAME Advanced 2023?

FRAME Advanced is addressed to all European and international professionals working in the audiovisual archives field, regardless of their age, nationality, or field of activity (technical, documentation, production, etc.). However, it is aimed primarily at professionals mastering the fundamental knowledge of audiovisual archiving with previous experience or dedicated training. Basic concepts will not be reviewed during presentations considered as already acquired by participants.
15 applicants will be selected.

If you are not sure that the FRAME Advanced training session is adequate to your needs, you can complete this questionnaire to help you determine which FRAME training action is made for you. If you have any questions or if you are interested in another FRAME training action, please let us know by email ( and we will inform you about next call for applications.

When and where?

The FRAME Advanced training session will take place on site at INA, for 5 days, from 20 to 24 November 2023.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees cover the costs of the training session organisation, the creation and production of the training programme and training materials, the remuneration of speakers.

  • For non-scholarship-participants: 1200 Euros

  • For scholarship-participants: 700 Euros


The scholarships will be granted in priority to participants:

  • From Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Ukraine

  • Or from any other country, demonstrating in a cover letter the need for this financial support, and the impossibility of obtaining such funding from their institution or in their home country.

How to apply?

To apply to FRAME Advanced Access 2023, you must complete the application form before September 30th.



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