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The FRAME training programme 2022

The FRAME training programme 2022

What is FRAME?

Since 2010, INA organised the annual training programme FRAME in partnership with FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives) and EBU Academy (European Broadcasting Union). FRAME is a co-funded by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme of the European Union. In a comprehensive perspective, the FRAME training programme covers each step of the audiovisual archives management process - from its preservation, digitisation, documentation, to its access, reuse and promotion – and all aspects of this work – legal, ecological, technical, technological, business, educative, or creative aspects the audiovisual heritage.

Target groups

FRAME’s target groups are all European and international professionals working for the preservation, management, access, and reuse of audiovisual archives, in all audiovisual heritage fields. With the aim to correspond to each of them needs and objectives, whatever their background, profile and level of expertise, the FRAME training programme is made of several adapted actions.

Training programme

FRAME is made of 5 training actions:

  • FRAME Basics : an online 6-half-day training session, organised during spring 2022, delivers fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for professionals managing audiovisual content, from its preservation to its reuse. FRAME Basics is addressed in priority to professionals with less experience and/or needs to acquire fundamentals.
  • FRAME Advanced : an onsite 5-day training session, organised during autumn 2022 at INA or in a European partner institution, is focused on the latest and innovative practices of the audiovisual heritage sector. FRAME Advanced Tech deals with technical and technological aspects of the preservation and management of audiovisual archives, FRAME Advanced Access with documentation and access topics. FRAME Advanced is open to all professionals, and in priority to experienced and trained ones.
  • FRAME Mentoring : a 6-month mentoring programme (June-December) addressed to young professionals to support them in their career path development or to implement their project. FRAME Mentoring included an online support by a dedicated mentor who is a recognized European expert; a 2-week professional immersion at INA or in a partner European institution; an accreditation to FIAT/IFTA Annual World Conference
  • FRAME Expert : a half-day workshop organised as part of the FIAT/IFTA World Conference, in Cape Town, South Africa, in October 2022; gathering the community of international professionals around shared questions and current issues of the audiovisual heritage sector.
  • FRAME digital training platform made of multilingual (French, English, Spanish) e-learning modules and digital pedagogical material and resources (video, bibliography, etc...)

The courses and workshop are delivered in English by recognized European and international audiovisual archives experts. Each year, the training programme is updated to match with current technical and technological evolutions in the sector and to correspond to professionals’ expectations and needs. To do so, it is defined by a pedagogical committee, with members of INA, FRAME’s partners FIAT/IFTA and EBU Academy, and associated partners, meemoo (Belgium) and the Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (Netherlands).


FRAME objectives are to:

  • Develop and strengthen the community of European and international professionals working in the audiovisual archive fields
  • Update and develop the professionals’ competencies and knowledge all along their career
  • Present and promote inspiring projects, examples and best practices
  • Give an overview of latest practices and evolutions of the sector
  • Build a common language and shared professional practices

To participate

The registration to FRAME Basics, FRAME Advanced and FRAME Mentoring is made through calls for applications. The attendance to the FRAME Expert workshop is open to all FIAT/IFTA annual World Conference participants. The registration to FRAME digital training platform is accessible to everyone.

For more information and to be informed about the calls for applications:



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