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Second discours inaugural du président Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Second discours inaugural du président Franklin Delano Roosevelt

20.01.1937 - 02:44 - audio

Le Président des Etats Unis Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT adresse son second discours inaugural à la nation ("Second Inaugural adress") après sa réélection. Il rappelle les progrès réalisés sous son précédent mandat et l'évolution morale du pays. Il appelle à poursuivre les efforts, une grande partie de la population vivant encore dans la pauvreté.Le discours est tronqué au début et à la fin. (En anglais sans traduction)Texte du discours (incomplet) conservé: "Governement is competent when all who compose it work as trustées for the whole people. It can make constant progress when it keeps abreast of all the facts. It can obtain justified support and legitimate criticism when the people receive true information of all that gouvernement does. If I know aught of the will of our people, they will demand that these conditions of effective gouvernement shall be created and maintained. They will demand a nation uncorrupted by cancers of injustice and, therefore, strong among the nations in its exemple of the will to peace. Today we reconsecrate our country to long-cherished idéals in a suddenly changed civilisation. In every land there are always at work forces that drive men apart and forces that draw men together. In our personal ambitions we are individualists. But in our seeking for economic and political progressas a nation, we all go up, or else we all go down, as one people. To maintain a democracy of effort requires a vast amount of patience in dealing with differing methods, a vast amount of humility. But out of the confusion of mlany voices rises an understanding of dominant public need. Then political leadership can voice common ideals, and aid in their réalisation. In taking again the oath of office as President of the United States, I assume the solemn obligation of leading the American people forward along the road over which they have chosen [to advance.]

Générique Participant : Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Descripteur(s) crise économique, Entre deux guerres, Etats Unis, pauvreté, POLITIQUE INTÉRIEURE

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